2022 Chamber Golf Outing
Monday May 23, 2022
**To register for a team or sponsorship, please email amanda@jacksonchamber.org**
FYI the schedule for the day is:
9:30 AM – Arrive
Enjoy networking and purchase your game tickets in the Before Play Tent.
Purchase a games package for $100 and save $10!
Package includes:
Mulligans $25
Skins $40
Raffle $25
50/50 Drawing $20 for 20
Individual Games:
$10/golfer or $25/team
$5 Per Ticket
$40 Per Team
50/50 Drawing:
$5 for 3, $10 for 7, $20 for 20
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Shotgun Start:
11:00 AM
Dinner, Cash Bar, & Prizes:
4:30 PMEvent Sponsors
Date and Time
9:30 AM - 6:00 PM EDT
48 HOUR CANCELLATION POLICY: Reservations must be cancelled 48 hours prior to the event or person will be charged as if attended. Contact Information
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