City of Jackson - City Clerk
The City Clerk is the Chief Election Officer in Jackson, and is responsible for conducting all elections held in the city. The office processes voter registrations daily through the statewide-qualified voter system and maintains the records of approximately 23,000 city registered voters.
About Us
Other Responsibilities
The City Clerk?s Office serves Jackson?s citizens, businesses, and other city departments regarding payments for parking violations, invoices issued by all city departments, and administrative hearings bureau cases.
Parking Lot Permits
Monthly and daily permits for city parking lots can also be purchased at the City Clerk?s Office.
If you have any questions regarding the responsibilities of the department, you can always contact us.
Petition Affidavit Information
Jackson City Council recently passed a resolution defining what ''affidavit'' means for use in petitions and referendums. For more information, click this link.
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