Jackson Public Schools
Primary & Secondary Schools Hours: M- F 7:30am - 4:30pm
Jackson Public Schools is the best place to work, to learn, and to grow. Our Young 5’s are offering some excellent opportunities for students coming into kindergarten, ready to learn those kindergarten-ready skills, and truly become lifelong learners. I am thrilled with the programming, and I hope that you’ll take a chance to visit our elementary schools to learn more.
About Us
Our Early College is offering options for every student within Jackson Public Schools. If you are a parent or a student, it is important that you understand Jackson Public Schools is the only school in the county that offers completely free options for you to earn up to 60 credits; those credits can be towards a certificate, a two-year degree or if you want a four-year transferable degree to any college, there’s ways to do that. Please come and talk to our counselors, and we’ll get you more information.
We are working with community partners, from Consumers Energy to JAMA to United Way, where we are going to be bringing more workforce readiness, more job-related approaches for students and more opportunities for them to get out of the classroom and onto the job sight.
We are running one of the most comprehensive and unique blended learning virtual environments in the State of Michigan. We’ve doubled-down, we’ve invested heavily, not just in online curriculum, but also in certified teaching staff who work with kids, who bring them into the sight at Jackson Crossing to provide them with very rich opportunities and the support and scaffolding they need to be successful.
Go Vikings!
Video Media
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