Monster Motors
Automotive & Marine Services Hours: M 9-8om
Monster Motors is #1 in Used Trucks for Sale in Michigan
T 9-6p
W 9-6p
T 9-8p
F 9-6p
S 10-5pAbout Us
Monster Motors is a 5 Star dealership located in Michigan Center, Michigan. We specialize in selling quality used vehicles including used Trucks, used SUV's, used Jeeps, used 4x4's, lifted Trucks, custom Trucks & more. If you are searching for used vehicles for sale in Michigan, we've got you covered!
We can find the Used Car or Truck you've been looking for!
Can't find the used truck or car you are searching for? Use our Vehicle Finder then sit back and let us do the legwork for you! Our large inventory of vehicles changes daily so be sure to bookmark our website and come back often!
Monster Motors Free Delivery!
Don't Forget Free Delivery in the states of Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio! It's simple. Pick out a used truck, car or SUV. Let us secure your financing. We will then disclose the terms of your loan. If everything meets your expectations on price and payments we will simply bring the vehicle to you at your home, work or wherever it is convenient for you. We want to make your used car buying experience with us so easy you don't even have to leave your home. We deliver to Michigan, Indiana and Ohio at no charge. All other states may require a reasonable fee.
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